tips & tricks

How to Write a Creative Brief

If you have the budget to hire a quality designer, developer, or creative agency, a creative brief is something they would be putting together for their team. But if you’re in the birthing phase of your business and are hiring out design work to freelance marketplace sites like Fivrr or Upwork, you take on the role of project manager. This means you’ll be the one driving the design progress. If you want your project to go smoothly and stay on time and on budget, putting together a creative brief for your freelancer will be absolutely necessary.

2020-02-26T09:10:24-08:00December 19, 2018|Design Tips|

Accepting Payments on Your Website – What You Should Know

Want to take payments on your website but not sure what you need or what to do to get started? No need to go into this blindly! We've outlined the basic requirements so you have a checklist and a little direction for moving forward.

2018-11-30T20:46:29-08:00November 30, 2018|Website Tips|

Branding Package Bonanza

If your in the birthing stages of your business, or haven’t had the time to create a branding package yet, having one will definitely help keep you moving forward in the right direction as you make creative decisions. Whether it’s something as simple as creating a social media post, or as complex as creating a website, having your “look and feel” figured out will help keep everything tidy along the way. Here's what you'll need.

2018-12-06T12:19:05-08:00November 30, 2018|Design Tips, Getting Started|

Make it Different But Keep it the Same

The design process can be long and tedious, and design-speak can oftentimes be a foreign language. Miscommunications are bound to happen - especially when deadlines approach and stress levels are high. Here are some tips on how to effectively communicate with your designer so you get a final product that you’re happy with.

2018-11-30T20:10:05-08:00November 30, 2018|Website Tips|

What You Should Know Before Building a Website

Starting a business is tough enough. Tax forms, business plans, marketing objectives, sales funnels - it’s enough to make anyone want to pop open a bottle of wine and sit in the middle of the floor rocking back and forth. This article will help give you a starting point to get you going.

2018-11-30T19:50:32-08:00November 30, 2018|Getting Started, Website Tips|
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