Website Tips

How much does a website cost?

If you’re a solopreneur, startup, or nonprofit in need of a website, the first thing on your mind is probably “what’s this going to cost?” It’s a good question that sadly has no good answer. There’s no formula that you can use to help figure it out since there are just too many variables in play. But there are a few items you will need that can be estimated, so we'll go over these in this post.

2019-08-01T09:44:46-07:00August 1, 2019|Getting Started, Website Tips|

Facing your website fears part 5: set a budget

When building a website, knowing your budget will enable you to be more confident about what kind of website you need. Knowing what you can spend means you know what features you can build in now, and which ones you should wait on.

2019-07-29T12:48:05-07:00July 17, 2019|Ebooks, Getting Started, Website Tips|

Facing your website fears part 3: create a list

Replace the fear of not knowing what kind of website you need with confidence that you’re getting something that will serve your business now and in the future. And when searching for the right platform, you’ll know what to look for and what questions to ask a designer if you choose to hire someone.

2019-07-10T19:12:46-07:00July 3, 2019|Ebooks, Getting Started, Website Tips|

Facing your website fears part 2: outline your offerings

Your client’s needs are your GPS. Understanding their needs allows you to create processes that will help you communicate with confidence and enable you to build a website that grows with your business.

2019-07-10T19:11:37-07:00June 26, 2019|Ebooks, Getting Started, Website Tips|

Facing your website fears: it’s not as scary as you think

If you're a solopreneur and you don't yet have a website or aren't happy with the one you have, you're probably overwhelmed at the thought of putting one together. I want you to know that it's not as scary as you think it is.

2019-06-25T15:58:57-07:00June 17, 2019|Ebooks, Getting Started, Website Tips|

Accepting Payments on Your Website – What You Should Know

Want to take payments on your website but not sure what you need or what to do to get started? No need to go into this blindly! We've outlined the basic requirements so you have a checklist and a little direction for moving forward.

2018-11-30T20:46:29-08:00November 30, 2018|Website Tips|

Make it Different But Keep it the Same

The design process can be long and tedious, and design-speak can oftentimes be a foreign language. Miscommunications are bound to happen - especially when deadlines approach and stress levels are high. Here are some tips on how to effectively communicate with your designer so you get a final product that you’re happy with.

2018-11-30T20:10:05-08:00November 30, 2018|Website Tips|
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